Look at this website. Look at EVERYTHING.
1. Do you think it is a good or bad website? Why?
2. Who do you think wrote it? What age/grade level?
PROMOTE Assessment Rubric 2005-2006 This is how we will be judged on our web site.
Find Sounds to use on the web site. Here is a site with Animal Sounds. Another page with Sounds. Maybe use mosquito, alligator, cow, deer, horse, rattlesnake, puppies (hunting dogs), bobcat, birds, buzzards, opossum, chichen snake (black and yellow),
Read about Hot Potatoes - look for "What is Hot Potatoes?"
Look at Plimoth Plantation's web site as an idea for a design for our website.
Mrs. B.'s photos of cotton
Mrs. B.'s photos of pecan trees
Mrs. B.'s photos of wildlife - Assembly at BES - animals preserved by taxidermy
Mrs. B.'s photos of old house and old barn in black and white
Mrs. B.'s photos of lizards and grasshopper
Mrs. B.'s photos of spiders
Mrs. B.'s photos of summer vegetables, especially peaches and a peach packing plant
Mrs. B.'s photos of tractor in summer with Spanish Moss on Live Oak tree and gopher tortoise
Mrs. B.'s photos of fish (bass) and toad
and another day of pond fishing
Mrs. B.'s photos of fig bush
Mrs. B.'s photos of catalpa tree - a place to keep worms for fishing
Mrs. B.'s photos of grape vine and insect galls
Mrs. B.'s photos of plants in south Georgia
Mrs. B.'s photos of fish and other wildlife at Paradise Public Fishing Park
Mrs. B.'s photos of Canadian geese and plants around a fish pond
Mrs. B.'s photos south Georgia Fish Fry
Mrs. B.'s photos of snakes from Okefeenokee Swamp
Mrs. B.'s photos of pine tree and bales of hay
Mrs. B.'s photo of sunrise over pond
Mrs. B.'s photo of old wooden farmhouse
Mrs. B.'s photo of Cypress Swamp in autumn
Mrs. B.'s photo of Gopher Tortoise
Mrs. B.'s photos of Peanut Crop
Mrs. B.'s photos of Making Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches
Mrs. B.'s photos of yellow squash
Mrs. B.'s photo of old home in New Lois
Coastal Plains Region of Georgia
Britannica Encyclopedia Online
Amber's Blog
Sage's first Blog
Sage's second Blog
Carlie's Blog
Alyson and Breanna's Blog
Information that Alyson found on peaches at Encyclopedia Britannica Online - Elementary Edition: To cite the article on peaches,
MLA style:
"peach." Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia. 2005. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition. 1 Dec. 2005
APA style:
peach. (2005). Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 1, 2005, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition http://www.school.eb.com/elementary/article?articleId=353605
Britannica style:
"peach." Britannica Elementary Encyclopedia from Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition.
Raven's Blog
Mrs. B.'s delicious web site - a place to bookmark websites that would help with research
You can make your own delicious web site too.
Alyson's delicious web site
J. Hancock - find out about sugar cane grinding - happening now
Peanuts - peanut butter - boiled peanuts
Logging Industry
Swamps - cypress trees
Farming - Agriculture
Where does it come from?
Mr. Weaver's house at New Lois
Take pic of New Lois Community Center
Photo Story 3 - only for Windows XP
peaches, poultry and egg, vegetables, melons, onion, peanuts, pecans, cotton (2nd), rye, tomatoes, tobacco, cabbage, corn, cottonseed, cucumbers, hay, oats, sorghum grain, soybean, wheat, ornamentals, turf grass, other nursery and greenhouse commodities. Beef cattle, dairy cows, and hogs. Goat, sheep, catfish, trout, honeybees. Cooperative Extension Service. orchard, vineyard, forage, forestry Vidalia onions
Coastal Plain Experiment Station
Sand Tortoise or Gopher Turtle
Galileo - Georgia's Virtual Library website - get password from teacher
Galileo for Kids - do research on the web - get password from teacher