Saturday, November 12, 2005

Podcast - Jim Talks about Fishing

this is an audio post - click to play

Applying Knowledge from GaETC: Podcasting

I spent half of this past week at the Georgia Educational Technology Conference in Atlanta in the Georgia International Conference Center. It was a very beneficial conference because I learned valuable information about blogging, podcasting, and RSS and Atom feeds. In addition, I learned useful ways to use Kidspiration, Excel, and PowerPoint with my students. Another resource I learned about was "Streaming Video." These files are from Discovery Education and are FREE to Georgia teachers since the legislature is funding it now through Georgia Public Broadcasting and, hopefully, will continue to fund it in the future. I received the code for my school so that we can access these videos and other valuable educational resources.
The only way to prove that I’ve learned something is to use it. First I’m using my iPAQ to record audio files. These are .wav files. I downloaded Audacity to convert the files to mp3 files. Next I’ll upload the mp3 file, create a link on my blog to the podcast audio file. As it turns out, the only place I know about to upload my audio is on blogger; so, I joined audiobloggers, but I had to place a telephone call and play the file that I'd spent several hours converting from a .wav file to an mp3 file. Oh well, this is ABOUT learning and applying knowledge and skills. Then I’ll subscribe to an RSS feed so that I’ll be alerted when there is an update to this podcast. Finally, I’ll share what I’ve learned with my colleagues and friends.
BTW: It was very 'kewl' to open up my blog and learn that it is now possible to type the new blog in Word and publish it from Word. More and more my computer is becoming what I'd been told years ago: the local computer would be tied directly to the resources on the Internet. It's happened in many ways, and I love it.

To hear the "podcast" (an audio file) or "radio on demand" - click here or click on "upload the mp3 file" above.